Richard The LionHeart Clark S Future
JWW, C.I.B. - J, Ch., MultipleJCh. Richard The LionHeart Clark S Future
Born: 12. 04. 2022, stud dog
Height: 72 cm, Weight: 60 kg
Health: HD - A/A, ED - 0/0, OCD - neg., Eyes - clear, LTV: typ 0, Long hair - L/L (negative), Blue gene - D/D (negative), P2Y12 Postoperative Hemorrhage - N/N (clear), Malignant hyperthermia - N/N (negative), Degenerative myelopathy - N/N (negative), Hyperuricosuria - N/N (negative).
- C.I.B. - J - International junior Champion
- Champion of Slovakia
- Club Champion KCHMPP
- Club Junior Champion KCHMPP
- Junior Champion of Switzerland
- Slovak puppy Champion
- Candidate for Champion of Austria
- Candidate for Champion of Poland
- Candidate for Champion of Czech
- Candidate for Grand Champion of Slovakia
- Candidate for C.I.B. - International beauty Champion
- National Winner
- BIG - 1st place,
- BIG - 2nd place,
- BIG - 3rd place,
- 2x BIG - 5th place,
- JBIG - 3rd place.
::::::::::::: Pedigree ::::::::::::
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Karhunkierros Sailor {
Karhunkierros Mystery
Karhunkierros Gaetano {
Karhunkierros Kytos
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Ciao Ob La Di aus dem Lauenburger Land
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Balihara Ranch´s Artim of Tanglecross {
Shadetree's Joy To the World
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Djakarta Clark S Future {
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