Esmèe LaBell Quarterworld, working class - EXC1, CAC, Club winner, BOS.
Caleb Nathaniel from Balihara ranch, working class - EXC1, CAC.
Diamond Barrow Golden Bohemica, honour class - EXC1.
Caleb Nathaniel from Balihara ranch, champion class - 2*EXC1, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOB, 1* Res. BIG. The first day in the final competitions in the TOP 5.
Caleb Nathaniel from Balihara ranch, champion class - EXC1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOS. Caleb became new Czech Grand Champion.
Esmèe LaBell Quarterworld, třída šampionů - EXC2, Res. CAC.